Console Compartment Door Stopper Spacer

About this product

The Console Compartment Door Stopper Spacer (#58827-20021), an integral body part in the Console Box & Bracket system in Toyota vehicles, plays a crucial role in maintaining the functionality and safety of the console compartment. This spacer acts as a buffer, ensuring smooth opening and closing of the console compartment door, thus preventing potential damage or unexpected behavior. Over time, this part can wear down or break, compromising the functionality of the console compartment door. When this happens, replacement with genuine Toyota parts is highly recommended. These original parts offer compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's comprehensive parts warranty. Should this part fail and not be replaced, it could result in damage to the console compartment or its contents, impacting the efficiency of your vehicle's interior systems. Therefore, keeping this component in good working condition is essential for the overall performance and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58827-20021

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