Brake Master Cylinder Sub-Assembly with Fluid

About this product

The Brake Master Cylinder Sub-Assembly with Fluid (#47052-60630), a Drive-Chassis part in the Brake Master Cylinder system, is pivotal to maintaining the efficacy of your Toyota vehicle's brakes. As your brake pedal is pressed, fluid from this assembly is forced into the brake lines, causing the brake pads to clamp down on the rotors and slow the vehicle. Aging or damaged Brake Master Cylinder Sub-Assembly with Fluid (#47052-60630) can cause brake failure, posing dangerous risks. Consequently, regular replacement should be a priority. Genuine Toyota parts are designed for excellent vehicle compatibility and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In addition, this part's performance directly impacts the safety and efficiency of your brake system, enhancing your vehicle's overall reliability. A well-maintained Brake Master Cylinder Sub-Assembly with Fluid (#47052-60630) ensures optimum brake fluid pressure, providing smoother, safer stops.