Flange Bolt

About this product

The Toyota Flange Bolt (#9008010066) is a vital part used in the Body/Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system, as well as the Drive-Chassis/Front Axle Arm & Steering Knuckle. This crucial auto part primarily holds these mechanisms together, allowing for smooth operation. It works by fitting snugly into the respective parts, ensuring a secure fit. Over time, the Flange Bolt (#9008010066) may wear down or break due to constant exposure to stress and strain, potentially leading to the loosening of the systems it holds together and hence, compromising vehicle safety and performance. Replacement with genuine Toyota parts is highly recommended for optimal compatibility with the vehicle. Genuine parts—like the Flange Bolt (#9008010066)—are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering an additional layer of assurance. By maintaining the integrity of these systems, the Flange Bolt (#9008010066) significantly contributes to the car's overall efficiency and safety.